Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Two on Tuesday!

Two of my favorite things:
It's a bit hard to see but above Jack is looking out a the birds (how we do outdoor time here in AZ) and eating a mango popsicle out of a Nuby Nibbler Net. The nets aren't easy to clean but the mess is well worth the teething relief and ability to serve a variety of "real" foods.

My #2 this week is Pinterest! If you aren't pinning already, you need to start. Pinterest is self described as  "a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste." I think of it as an online cataloging site where I can remember all of the crafty/baking/artsy stuff that I will "someday" have time for. 

Here is a screen shot of what my pin board looks like. Right now I am tracking a bunch of crafty 1st birthday ideas, holiday crafts and of course baking.

It's a bit hard to explain so I found this tutorial on how to get started. Hope to see your pins soon!

Big Boy!

From crawling to standing and side stepping...the crib was lowered after this photo!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Weekend Getaway!

We had a great trip to Flagstaff this weekend, the best thing being the cooler weather! I was happy to sneak Jack into this long sleeve onesie that I made before he was even born. It almost looks like he took a self portrait.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th of July Shirts!

For those of you that asked, I did make Jack his 4th of July shirts. The first one was an Old Navy circa 2008 hand-me-down from the neighbor that I backed with blue jean and upcycled on to a onesie!
The other shirt had ribbon suspenders and a star sewn on. I would do the suspenders differently but he sure looked patriotic.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Plane Ride, 4th of July, Cousins, Yellowstone, Kendals Big Day, CRAWLING

We took our first "plane ride" vacation to Cody, WY to visit relatives, celebrate PC Kendal's first birthday, check out Yellowstone and of course celebrate the 4th of July. The highlight of the weekend was Jack's first crawl on the 4th. He had been getting close thanks to some practice with Oma but when Travis held out some of Kendal's birthday cake, it was on!
You can probably see the bags under Jack's eyes above, he was too busy playing with cousins,
checking out buffalo,
watching parades,
being held by Great Aunt Kathy,
celebrating Kendal's first birthday,
seeing the sights in Yellowstone,
attending parades (they have 3 you know),
and posing for photos with Kendal,
that he hardly had a chance to nap!
Thanks Wormalds for the great visit and hospitality!

June Recap!

Father's Day Cake! My favorite place is "Nothing Bundt Cakes" but I recommend decorating your own, saves money and equally as cute.
Father's Day watering the garden:
Birthday flowers! We had an amazing staycation getaway, flowers from SIL, Macy's from Mom & Dad, pedicure, massage, food, cake and I got a chance to catch up with some of my college friends.

Knee High by 4th of July!

I am told that is how to judge whether or not your corn is going to survive! Ours is almost "thigh high" so I am keeping my fingers crossed. The saying probably has a disclaimer about extreme heat in Phoenix. So far we have been lucky and everything is growing.