Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Every year instead of resolutions, we do family goals! Some years we do better than others on keeping the goals but we have crossed a few big ones off of our list in the past. For example, two years ago at this time we made a goal to run the Hawaii half marathon, a year before that it was to sell our Gilbert house and buy a new one...I am a firm believer that anything can happen if you write it down and put your mind to it.

This year we have a long list, from spiritual to financial, of things that we want to accomplish in 2011. Included in the list is my personal goal to blog more and, even though he is just four weeks, Jack has a few goals of his own:

  • Double his college savings account in 2011 
  • Read at least 4x week
  • Play hard, sleep hard (preferably a span of 6-8 during the evening hours)
Wishing all a safe and Happy New Year filled with hopes, dreams and goals for 2011!


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