Here is my favorite shot from our 3D UltraScreen! BD Baby was quite cooperative for the shoot and the tech was able to get some accurate NT measurements to test for Down syndrome. Initial measurements show a very low risk for birth defects and we continue to pray for a healthy baby.
More about the test...
UltraScreen is a test performed at 11 to 13 week 6 days which identifies fetuses (unborn babies) at increased risk of having certain birth defects. A blood test is combined with an ultrasound measurement to estimate your specific risk for Down syndrome and trisomy 18. The blood drawn by fingerstick or venipuncture is analyzed for two proteins called freeBeta-hCG and PAPP-A which are normally found in the blood of all pregnant women. The ultrasound examines the baby’s neck, measuring the amount of fluid accumulation behind the neck of the baby, called the nuchal translucency (NT).
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