Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day of School!

It is Jack's last day of school before starting a new adventure next week! To celebrate, I made us pancakes this morning with a dash of whipped cream and berries. YUM!

As you can see, we are making progress with our fork and plate combination.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Secret Banana Message

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


This is my last week at home before returning to work. I was kind of bummed about it but then had some exciting news that made my week. More on that in June! I am guessing that after this photo session, Eliya might be counting down the days too.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Melt My Heart

Love his print!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

School is Exhausting!

People can't believe that Jack is in bed by 6:30 pm most nights. He plays so hard during the day that sometimes the lids get heavy before bath!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To my Mom, sister and all of the other amazing mothers out there. Without my Mom, I certainly wouldn't have two amazing children!

 The day started with both of them wanting to be held!

A quick nap on the way to see Oma & Opa.
Cuddling on Mother's Day!

Thank you Eliya for the gift of sleep! Baby girl slept from 9 hours!!!

Teacher Appreciation Gifts

We made "POP"ular teacher gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week at Jack's school! I found the popcorn boxes in the dollar bin at Target and then filled with fresh popcorn. A cheap and easy way to say thanks.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Zoo Day!

Her Room

Here is a view of Eliya's room! I still have a few finishing touches but I am much closer than I was a few weeks ago. My favorite item is the rocking chair, it belonged to Grandma & Grandpa Stein. I have fond memories of it in there house in Glendale.

 Faux pearl initial!
 Fresh roses from the front yard.
 The antique rocker, a recent surprise from my parents.
The dresser is an antique as well, I like the white knobs matching the crib. The photo on the wall is a close up of the blossoms on our nectarine tree the day we brought Eliya home from the hospital.
Purse, Piggy Bank, Books & Bow Holder!

PB on Pinterest

My review of the Pinterest PB Brownies from this weekend:
-Time consuming
-A bit pricey (brownie mix, eggs, Reese's Pieces, condensed milk, peanut butter, cream cheese, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, chocolate chips, whipping cream...)
-Heavy/Rich (the final product seemed to weigh 7lbs)
-I guess the above two make the cost/oz quite reasonable... :)
-Not so amazing if you are trying to get back running!

Stef said it best "probably something that should only be eaten in company" otherwise some binging may occur.

PS, the official name is Reese's Cheesecake Brownies!