Friday, September 30, 2011

First College Football Game

We had a great time in Flagstaff, even though the Bengals got pounded! Jack loved the band, people watching and his headphones even allowed for a bit of a snooze.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Llama Llama, Jack met the author with Oma & Mama

We have this great independent bookstore, Changing Hands, right up the street from our house. I have taken Jack a few times because they have a pretty cute play area with a wooden train that he loves. My Mom noticed that they were having best-selling author, Anna Dewdney, in for a story time and signing last week and we just had to go!

Here is Jack paying attention...

Here is Anna telling the story...

Unfortunately, I didn't get a shot of my Mom giving Anna tips on her next book title: "Llama Llama No Sleep for Mama" nor Anna's face when I said "Llama Llama Move Over Mama"...priceless!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Library Time Climb

DJ Jazzy Jack

We received Jacks' football headphones (for rowdy games and concerts) just in time for this weekends big family collegiate rivalry: ISV v NAU! How loud can it really get in the Skydome is TBD but better safe than sorry.

He actually loves wearing them as you can see here. Too bad they are NAU blue...

P.S. I promise that I wiped his nose right after!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Swing Time!

The lows are finally in the 75-80 region and I "think" we are back to double digits for the high. This is a big deal and we are making up for the lost summer with soccer games, walks and trips to the park. Here is Jack hitting the swing for the first time:

Happy Birthday Opa!

Jack had a great time celebrating Opa's birthday! Here they are people watching while waiting for dinner.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

9 Months Old

Jack turned nine months old on 9/1! He is such a big boy, and thinks he is even bigger....

His is in the 75% for his height and head and 30% for his weight. The Dr. gave him a healthy baby stamp.
Stats: 19.9 lbs & 29 inches