Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Family Photo Shoot

We recently went up to Flagstaff to cool off, visit some friends and have our first "official" family photo shoot. Our photographer, Heather Kadar, shot our wedding (and our engagement photos) so it was nice to introduce Jack. In hindsight, we would have maybe waited until he was a bit older not because he wasn't good during the shoot but because we all look like we hadn't slept in days...

I am still downloading the files and there is much debate about one that we all (Laura + Travis) agree on.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Picture Time

Shortly after this photo he climbed on top and then couldn't get down.

Practicing flashcards

Peeping into the atrium

First swimming lesson

Bathtime with Kennede

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hip Hip Hoorah

(sorry, finally uploaded the photos to go with the post)

Jack is 8 months old today (8/1/11)! He is still an amazingly happy baby and seems to have never meet a stranger...kind of like his Dad?!? Or Opa?

At 8 months, Jack is into:

  • Crawling and climbing,
  • Drinking water from adult cups, apparently sippy cups are for kids
  • Watermelon
  • Talking
  • Wrestling
  • 9 month clothes
  • Hammering
  • Swimming
  • Big kid food, he successfully swiped a bite of Dad's bacon wrap the other day!