Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Baseball Game

Dad is back! Quality time at Jack's first baseball game, Cubs vs. Rockies Spring Training!

The Most Important 20 Minutes...

Loved this blog regarding the most important 20 minutes:
In our house, we couldn't agree more!

Friday, March 25, 2011

While Dad is Away...

Mom & Jack shall play! Travis has been in Hawaii this week for work (insert long sigh here) so we spent part of the day at the Tempe Arts Festival. Jack wore his new hat until it interfered with his people watching while I said "I could make that" to myself at least six times. Really, who pays $45 for a pillowcase dress? Sorry Lucy, you will probably never get one because we all know my time frame on making something these days!

The rest of the day we played...and made some videos! P.S. this is using a '70s filter...think Jersey Shore reel.

Down By The Bay on Vimeo.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Yard Sale

I have to apologize for my bad blogging behavior lately! Who knew that I would be this crazy just my second week at the new job. Thankfully, I have Fridays off and Jack is enjoying his morning nap so I am catching up. Having said that, this thank you is a few weeks overdue. Just look what Oma & Opa got at a recent yard sale....


First Tie!

Last weekend we took Jack with us to a wedding reception for some friends that got married in Hawaii last year. It just happened to be 85 degrees all of the sudden and he needed an outfit so I made him this tie onesie. He was the life of the party until about 7...and we left about an hour later!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Library Time!

Last week we took Jack for his first library visit. As you can see, the entire trip wore him out. We didn't check out any books for him yet but we did get him some new music for his bedtime routine. He falls asleep to Classical every really does calm him. This week I am going to mix in some Italian!

3 Months Old!