Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Recap!

Our tree
Art projects!
First Christmas concert at Mesa Arts Center with Oma & Opa

Time at the zoo with cousin Kendal!

Opening presents...

Celebrating on Christmas day with some wrestling & cousin time!

 Favorite "Great" Aunt Kathy

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Pool Fence Just in Time

Crawling on the 4th of July, walking on Christmas!?!? Jack has chosen some key holidays to set milestones and took about 4 steps in a row on Christmas. Now he is up to about 7, not consistently but I think that we are on the verge.

Before Jack attends school, he must walk and drink from a sippy cup. That's a lot of pressure for someone who isn't even 13 months don't you think? He sippy cup straw skills are amazing and I think that we are close to calling him a walker. Next stop, bye bye binkie....LOL!

Thankfully the pool fence was installed today!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Party Pics!

The birthday party was a hit. Jack was up until almost 10:30 the night before, just 4 hours past his normal bedtime, and didn't nap at all the day of. I guess what they say is true, babies do know when something is up.

My homemade party decor!
I copied the yarn wrapped letters from etsy!
Nothing "bundt" the best cake ever! Chocolate of course.

Thanks to our great extended family for all of the help and successful turnout!

Let's go to the ZOo, me and you!

Travis took a day off last week for the three of us to celebrate Jack's birthday at the zoo. Jack's favorite part was the petting zoo. We think that he liked feeding the giraffe but it was hard to tell....

PS, he loved eating animal crackers at the zoo. I did too. Funny!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack!

We love you and can't imagine life without you. Remembering back a year ago and the excitement and joy we felt when you arrived. Blessed!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cousins at Thanksgiving

Happy to have family including cute cousin Kendal to share Thanksgiving with!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Birthday Week!

How we got the perfect pose...
And cropped it into the perfect invitation...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mad 4 Mango!

Jack loves mango! Here he is taking his mango all around the house.

Cherish every minute!

Unfortunately it sometimes takes a tragedy for us all to remember how precious life is. Cherish every minute and every smile.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you West family. Rest in peace little Wakashan Jr. - March 26, 2010 - November 9, 2011.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The shoes lasted 10 minutes...

Cute while they lasted!

Happy Halloween

No trick or treating for Jack! We start the going to bed process at 6:30 and I figure until he can say "Trick or Treat" we will just be eating more treats. :) He didn't have a costume really but we did dress him appropriately in a candy corn monster shirt! I will be hitting the sales today to look for a costume for next year!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11 months on 11-1-11

Can't believe next month is the big birthday! Jack is so close to he took two steps towards me. The other big Jack news is that today marked his first trip to the barbershop. Trav took him in for a trim as the locks were getting wild and unruly! I was nervous that he would come back with a fade but his curls look even better.

A Bad Hair Day....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The last few weeks have been filled with travel! I had two trips to LA for work within 4 days and then we left the next day for Oahu. Jack LOVED Hawaii...the women, the food, the beach, the fluffy beds, etc.

Travis had to work the first few days of the trip but fortunately we had a few relaxing days at the end. If you are looking for a new spot in Hawaii, visit Ko'Olina! We still love Kauai but this spot is a close second.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I heart Target!

So does Jack. Here are some shots from our pre vacation Target run. As you will see, Jack likes to find the "optimal" people watching position. In this case, it means one leg up, back to the corner and head on a full rotation. I feel like Opa used to do this at restaurants when I was little or maybe he still does.

Friday, September 30, 2011

First College Football Game

We had a great time in Flagstaff, even though the Bengals got pounded! Jack loved the band, people watching and his headphones even allowed for a bit of a snooze.